Neighbourhood Plans Launch Event
Groups & Events Notices & Meetings EH Parish Council WH Parish Council Local Planning
The Localism Act introduced new rights and powers to allow local communities to shape new development by coming together to prepare neighbourhood plans. These Neighbourhood plans can include planning policies which reflect and respond to the unique characteristics and planning context of our villages.
The Parish Councils of East and West Hanney need your help in developing these plans and planning policies.
We want to hear your concerns about the future of your village. It could be traffic, housing location and design, provision of facilities, parking, flood risk, protection of the historic environment or ecology or anything that you have concerns about that involve land use.
There will be a 30 minute presentation and Q&A at 3:00pm by Tom McCulloch from Community First Oxfordshire. There will be lots of background information in the form of an exhibition and the opportunity to give your input. Please come along and make your voice heard.
Your village - Your plan
Venue: Hanney War Memorial Hall
Date: Sunday 17th April 2016, 2:30pm-5:00pm