COVID-19 – Community Response Notice
EH Parish Council WH Parish Council Notices & Meetings
The following notice is to all residents of East and West Hanney on behalf of the Parish Councils following the recent developments in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Dear Resident,
We know many of you will be feeling a little anxious about what the next few months may bring and will perhaps be concerned about how you will manage if / when you need to self isolate. We want to assure you that help is at hand and East and West Hanney Parish councils will be working with community volunteers to provide assistance with emergency shopping and prescription collection.
If you are self isolating now (or in the future) and need community support please contact us on:
tel: 0808 123 0161 (Free Phone Number)
If you are able to volunteer, we would love to hear from you. Please drop us an email and please do get in touch!
- We need your help supporting our residents
- We also urgently need your help to assist running our village shop.
The Hanneys are a fantastic place to live, our communities are strong and resilient, we want every resident to be assured we will be here for you when you need us and will warmly welcome all offers of help.
Steve McKechnie and David Corps,
East and West Hanney Parish Councils
* Further updates will be published in Hanney News and on each of the Parish Council Web pages.
For official updates visit
In additional a copy of the leaflet posted to every resident yesterday is available to download here.
Plus, further advice is available via the following page of the NHS website: